Monday, November 26, 2012


Written on 1st November, 2012.

I have been staying at a guest house/lodge for quite some time now. I have developed links and friendships with some of the managers that work there. They teach me Afrikaan, always make me look forward to see them every morning.

I have, in particular, bonded with Retha. A very beautiful and lovely lady. I love her eyes, her opinion towards issues of life, her stories and her willingness to teach me Afrikaan. I also love it that she is a lady after God's heart, spiritual lady.

 This is what happened this morning with Retha:

I told her that I would be leaving for Kenya tonight. She became all mushy, and stretched her hands towards me in an attempt to hug me. She hugged me, tightly (for around 45secs to 1 minute), and told me that she'll miss me. While I was in her arms, I could feel the warmth in her heart. I could also feel the love & vulnerability in the hug. I, for once in a very long time, felt the love of a mother (I have never been very close to my mother). I can still feel it right now, 3 hours later.

Ooh, how I pray that I'll give such kind of love to my children, biological or adopted.

On vulnerability: I think that this is what I fear most... being vulnerable to someone you deeply love is one thing that I really fear. Its so easy to be heart-broken when you are vulnerably in love.
 I love being in control of my heart, feelings and life.

I just had to write this down while I still feel this great feeling.

God bless you, Retha...


  1. Good Friends keeps our hearts warm. Great article

    1. Thanks Wencer, you are one of my good friends.

  2. I am happy for you and that was God's love extended to you through Rita, you are a great lady Judie.

  3. I saw Rita again, this morning. I was verrrry glad to see her this new year. May God bless her, and all of you my friends.

  4. Each moment with a friend - cherish!
