Friday, October 12, 2012

Enjoy Life When You Still Can!

Life is short. It is so short that its unbelievable. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to live an unhappy life. Be happy, do that which you love doing.

Do not live under someone's mercy.

Live life to the fullest today, tomorrow is not promised.

Enjoy life, take time to feel the sunshine, to smell the roses (and other flowers), be happy.

Love. Love people, love what you do. Do not assume anyone's role in your life. God placed them in your life for a reason.

Ideally, life is meant to be beautiful. Do not spend all your life working. God made us in a way that we need rest. He, Himself, also rested on the seventh day.  Money, power and all that comes with it is really not worth it by the end of the day. Love is, happiness is. (Well, I don't know about love, but am sure happiness is).

 Life should be a celebration. You are alive! Hey! You are alive at the cost of 100,000,000 others. You are a blessing.
Don't be afraid to enjoy life. Don't hold yourself back. Don't live a crappy life.

Even as much as you enjoy life, do it carefully. Do not destroy the beauty of life.

Most importantly, don't forget God.  Pray. Communicate with Him. Thank Him for the life you have.
My prayer to God is the prayer of Jabez: that He may bless me indeed, and that He may enlarge my territory.

With lots of love,



  1. Thats true,and its more sweeter if you enjoy it with someone like me.Don't you think so?

    1. Jose, yes... but not for me, maybe for someone else out there.

  2. I like this. This reminds me of the bible in the book of Ecclesiastes from chapter 12.Fill it with something that you really want to do. Above all, make sure it is worthy. Live life to the fullest and enjoy it. We should also remember what Abraham Lincoln one time said “And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.”
