Sunday, June 16, 2013


To all men,

I sincerely apologize for being a bad girl. I have repeatedly rebelled against all of you, continuously said terrible things about you and actively discouraged women from getting involved with you (verbally and on this blog). Am sorry. I hope am forgiven.

I particularly apologize to Jose, Pius, Isaac, Mohammed, my grandpa and my biological dad for all the unreasonable moments from me that you had to bear with. 

I acknowledge that marriage is an institution created by God for two people, a man and a woman. It should be respected. I respect it. I apologize to all people that I misled on the importance of marriage.

Please don't misunderstand me; no, I am not getting married, neither have I gotten into a relationship with anyone. God has been speaking to me about this lately and I felt obligated to put up this post.

Finally, I wish all of you a happy fathers' day. Special appreciation goes to my dad, Mr. Mbugua, for taking care of me and for disciplining me.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos, I appreciate that.......but why would you still not want to get married, this life is too short to live a lonely life
