Nehemiah teaches us that there are usually four reasons for discouragement --
First, we get fatigued -- We're human beings and it is only natural that we get tired. You cannot burn the candle at both ends. So if you're discouraged, it may be you just need a vacation!
Second, we get frustrated -- Nehemiah says there was so much rubble all around that it was getting in the way of rebuilding the wall.
Think of the rubble as the trivial things that waste your time and energy, those things that prevent you from accomplishing what God has called you to do. If you are discouraged, you may need to clear away some of the rubble in your life.
Third, we think we've failed -- Nehemiah's people were unable to finish their task as quickly as originally planned and so their confidence collapsed.
Do you give in to self-pity? Do you start blaming other people? Do you start complaining that the task is impossible? Instead, refocus on God's intentions and start moving again?
Fourth, we give in to fear -- Fear will destroy your life if you let it. But you can choose to resist the discouragement that comes from fear.
Pray, "God help me get my eyes off the problem - off the circumstances - and keep my eyes on you."
- Rick Warren.