Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Phew! I thank God that semester is over. It had its own share of challenges...the biggest challenge being staying with a stranger for a whole semester. Staying with a new face, however, enlightened my eyes: I was told that "I like being in control and that I was trying to control my room-mate and my neighbours". These words of enlightment came from my room-mate in a not-so-friendly manner. But come to think of it, on a positive note > maybe being in control of your environment is not so bad after all. It implies that you are responsible and that you can manage things on your own. It could also mean that I am a dictator in the making (hahahaa), a great person in the making, like Muamar Gaddafi. It could also mean that I need to move out and stay on my own, at a place where there's no person to control. Mmmmh... I think I will give a thought of that.

On another note, I like home. I know my stay at home is short-lived and I have to enjoy it while it lasts. Thats exactly what I am doing.

On my arrival at home, I realised that some of the "mama mbogas" that I am used to were missing. Upon further enquiry about their where-abouts, I realised that the in-thing at my village is going to USA or UK un-announced. Apparently, these mamas decided to abandon their annoying husbands and disappear to diaspora. I particularly liked the story where the husband received a call from his wife who was already at the US. The wife was informing him of her decision to leave him because of his constant battering. I think the women from my village are now enlightened...although they took too long to leave.

I am proud of all the women that have decided to leave their aliens.

They are all super women!

Well-behaved women seldom make history. That is the truth. The society is bled in such a way that a well-behaved woman can never be successful. A well behave woman, especially in our African culture, has to get married by 21, have more than 5 children and be submissive to her husband. This is a pity, and very sad.

This is how domestic violence starts. A well behaved woman has no job, or career, and consequently has no money. She, therefore, depends on her husband for everything.  Her husband pushes her around for his money. She has to stick in her husband's house, even after being battered, because she's a well-behaved woman.

To be a successful woman you cannot afford to be well-behaved. That is why I choose to be badly-behaved. I choose to be successful. I choose to be free, financially free. I choose to be a  badly- behaved woman.

1 comment:

  1. Everywhere I'm turning, nothing seems complete, i stand up and I'm searching, for the better part of me, I hang my head from sorrow, state of humanity, wear it on my shoulder, gonna find the strength in me.
    [CHORUS] Coz' I am a superwoman,yes I am, yes she is,still when I'm a mess, still put on a vest, with an S on my chest, oh yes.I'm a superwoman.

    For all the mothers fighting, for better days to come,And all my women, all my women sitting here trying, to come home before there son. And all my sisters, coming together,say yes I will, yes I can.

    Coz' I am a superwoman,yes I am, yes she is,still when I'm a mess, still put on a vest, with an S on my chest, oh yes. I'm a superwoman.

    When I'm breaking down,and I can't be found,as I start to get weeak,'cos noone knows the underneath there clothes,but I can fly, we can fly ohhh.

    Coz' I am a superwoman,yes I am, yes she is,still when i'm a mess,still put on a vest, with an S on my chest, oh yes.I'm a superwoman.
    Oh let me tell you, I am a superwoman,yes I am, yes she is,coz' even when I'm a mess,I still put on a vest, with an S on my chest, oh yess,I'm a super woman (yes I am)said I'm a super woman (yes you are)ohh yeah I'm telin you,yes I am, yes we are,yes I am, yes we are.

